ORGANIC agility® Foundations valid for CAL-E+O+T certification


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ORGANIC agility® Foundations valid for CAL-E+O+T certification

Agile Leadership is necessary and key to any organization that wants to learn, grow and become resilient.

This 3 consecutive day ORGANIC agility® Foundations Class meets the Scrum Alliance requirements of Certified Agile Leadership Essentials for Team and Organization Leaders (CAL-E, CAL-T & CAL-O combo course).


ORGANIC agility® provides a new leadership approach, models for cultural change, insight into complexity thinking and addresses topics that are important to every leader in any organization. The ORGANIC Leadership® framework supports leadership growth as a capability, rather than only seeing it as the personal development of leaders. To grow leadership capabilities we need to start building the ability, in ourselves and others, to see the connections between what we do and the effect these actions have on our organizational culture, our environment and ourselves as leaders. Becoming a true Strategic Leader will allow you to focus on what matters and equip you to head a resilient organization.


The class is presented in a highly interactive and collaborative format with elements of lecture, classroom discussion, exercises, games and simulations, smoothly blended throughout the class. We will approach the class at a sustainable pace and endeavour to take breaks often, to allow our brains to stay focused and our bodies to recharge when necessary.

This course is in English. VAT will be added to all prices.

Dual Certification - ORGANIC agility® & Scrum Alliance

The Scrum Alliance offers 3 certifications: CAL-Essentials, CAL-Organizations, CAL-Teams. The E is a pre-requisite for both T and O. agile42's CAL classes will also provide the ORGANIC agility® Foundations certification.

Read more about  ORGANIC agility® Foundations valid for CAL-E.

Read more about ORGANIC agility® Foundations valid for CAL-O.
Read more about ORGANIC agility® Foundations valid for CAL-T.

Course fee

TIVIA member price is for person members and also for the staff of company members.

TIVIA member price 2 205€ + VAT 24%

Non-member price 2 450€ + VAT 24%

TIVIA member Early Bird price 1 980€ + VAT 24%

Non-Member Early Bird price 2 200€ + VAT 24%

If you are not already a member of TIVIA, JOIN NOW (membership fees from 65 €) and pay TIVIA member price for this course!

Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration up to 14 days before the training, after that the cancellation fee is 50 % of the participation fee. If the registration has not been cancelled, we will charge the whole course fee. Early bird registration cannot be cancelled. The right to participate can be transferred to another person. You may cancel or modify your registration via e-mail: ilmoittaudu(at)


Kirjaudu sisään tai luo käyttäjätunnus rekisteröimällä sähköpostiosoitteesi jatkaaksesi
Rekisteröitymiset ovat suljettu
Päivämäärä ja aika
maanantai 5. syyskuuta 2022
Alkaa - 10.00 (Europe/Helsinki)
keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2022
Päättyy - 18.00 (Europe/Helsinki) Lisää kalenteriin



agile42 Consulting Oy

--agile42 Consulting Oy--
+358 10 3285270