In English

The Finnish Information Processing Association, TIVIA, is Finland’s leading professional society in the field of information and communications technology. TIVIA society consists of the central organisation and of 28 regional associations, nationwide theme associations and other associations. The society’s members are persons, companies, other organizations and partner members who belong to member associations.

TIVIA acts as a platform for its members in the development of know-how, networking as well as advocacy. The main activities of TIVIA are events, research, trainings and advisory.

TIVIA is a member of CEPIS (The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies) and IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing).

TIVIA was founded in 1953 as an association of punched card technology users – Finnish Punched Card Society.


You can find the following information on this page. Scroll down the page or select a topic from below.


You can join TIVIA as a person member using the following web form. Notice that you join TIVIA by joining one of the member associations. Membership fee is determined by the date you join.

If your employer pays your member fee please choose ”I don’t pay the membership fee, send the invoice to the address below” and please fill in your employer’s billing information.

Join as a person member

Information about company and organization memberships can be found in the For companies section.


TIVIA sends newsletters and bulletins about benefits, events and other topical issues to it’s members. Please make sure that your contact information (you need to login before you can update your contact information) is up to date. You can find your member ID number in your member fee bill. Password is personal.

Update your member information

Each member has a member ID and a personal password that they can use to login to TIVIA’s website and update their member information.

  • Update your contact and personal information

  • Change your member benefit magazine orders

  • Join as a member in another TIVIA association (additional membership)

  • Change your password

Change of address

Your new address information will be forwarded to your member benefit magazines and to your member society. The new address information will come into effect in about two weeks.

Additional membership

You can choose to be a member of another TIVIA member association in addition to your own member association. You can complete the addition through a web form.

Cancelling the membership

You can cancel your membership by email. Please send an email to jasenasiat(at) Also please note that a membership can’t be cancelled by phone or by not paying the bill.

Membership fees

Membership fee is determined by the date you join TIVIA. Membership fees for the whole year 2024 are the following.

Person Member 65 €

  • The membership for most members

Pensioner Member 44 €

  • You must send a copy of your retirement certificate to jasenasiat(at) | No age limit

Student Member 20 €

  • You must send a copy of your student licence to jasenasiat(at) | No age limit

Youth Member 10 €

  • You must be born in 2000 or later. If asked you must be able to proof your age.

Family Member 20 €

  • You live in the same household with a person, pensioner or student member.

Additional Membership 16 €

  • Extra Basic membership in another association.

Membership benefits

As a member of TIVIA society you can take advantage of numerous membership benefits. All benefits are valid for the time being.

Membership benefits include:

  • Magazines for members

  • Training discounts

  • ICT products and services

  • Travel and hotel services

  • Magazines and books

  • Other products and services (e.g. insurances)

More information on member benefits (in Finnish)

For companies

We offer two ways for your company or organization to cooperate with TIVIA and to benefit from TIVIA society: Society membership and Partnership with TIVIA.

Society membership

Your company or organization can join as a society member by joining one of TIVIA’s regional member associations, nationwide theme associations or other associations. As a society member you will make your company or organization part of TIVIA society, harness a network of ICT professionals for your benefit and take advantage of our training selection to develop your personnel. In addition you will gain a possibility for a deeper cooperation with a TIVIA member association of your choice.

Join now as a society member! Membership fee is determined by the amount of employees in your company/organization and the date you join.

Society member benefits

  • Developing your personnel

  • Keeping your personnel up to date in the fast moving ICT field

  • Member magazines straight to your office for the whole personnel to read

  • Possibility to utilize TIVIA Plus services

Partnership with TIVIA

Your company or organization can become TIVIA’s national partner. As a TIVIA partner you will go straight to Finnish ICT field’s top spot and can take many different advantages from nationwide TIVIA society.

Partnership with TIVIA gives a possibility to highlight important causes for your company and have an impact on the development of the whole ICT field. As a partner you will harness TIVIA’s knowledge capital to your benefit and take advantage of TIVIA’s position as a national authority. Being a partner connects your company/organization as a part of professionals network and you’ll have our 7,000 strong society within reach.

Partnership with TIVIA always includes the possibility to join a TIVIA member association as a society member.

Benefits of Partnership with TIVIA

  • As a partner you can have an influence on ICT field and its development

  • Partnership will improve your company’s/organization’s image and strengthen your brand

  • Partnership will give you a great way to develop your personnel

  • You will get 25% discount of TIVIA Plus services

Becoming a TIVIA partner is easy whether you are already a society member or not. Just send an email to our member services: jasenasiat(at) with the following informaton:

  • Name of your company/organization

  • Revenue and amount of personnel

  • Contact person and his/hers contact information

Interested and want more information?

Let’s talk about your company’s/organization’s needs and plan a tailored service experience.

Please contact TIVIA's CEO by email juha.lappi(at) or by phone +358 45 675 2929.

Member associations

TIVIA society consists of 28 regional associations, nationwide theme associations and other associations. Society’s members are persons, companies, other organizations and partner members who belong to member associations.

Regional associations

Helsinki TIVIA Uusimaa
Hämeenlinna Kanta-Hämeen Tietotekniikkayhdistys
Imatra Imatran Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
Joensuu TIVIA Pohjois-Karjala
Jyväskylä TIVIA Keski-Suomi
Kouvola TIVIA Kymenlaakso
Kuopio TIVIA Savo
Lahti TIVIA Lahti
Lappeenranta Etelä-Saimaan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
Mikkeli Mikkelin Tietotekniikkayhdistys
Oulu TIVIA Oulu
Pori Satakunnan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
Rovaniemi TIVIA Lappi
Tampere Pirkanmaan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
Turku Varsinais-Suomen Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
Vaasa & Seinäjoki & Kokkola TIVIA Pohjanmaa

Nationwide theme associations

Data Management Association Finland
Finnish Software Testing Board
ICT Leaders Finland
Suomen Internet-yhdistys
Systeemityöyhdistys SYTYKE
Tietojenkäsittelytieteen Seura
Tietoturva ry – Finnish Information Security Association

Other associations

Asteriski (University of Turku)
Blanko (University of Oulu)
TiTOL – Tietotekniikan opiskelijoiden liitto

Contact information


Post address: TIVIA ry c/o TIVIA Infuture Oy, Firdonkatu 2 T 63, 00520 Helsinki
Office: tivia(at)
Member services: jasenasiat(at)
Visiting address: Spaces Tripla, Workery West (6 krs.), Firdonkatu 2, 00520 Helsinki


Juha Lappi
Chief Executive Officer
+358 45 675 2929

Reino Myllymäki
Development Manager
+358 40 709 1437

TIVIA Infuture Ltd

TIVIA executes its business via TIVIA Infuture Ltd. The business consists of e.g. organizing training events and selling books and IT2018 provisions.

Juha Lappi
Chief Executive Officer
+358 45 675 2929

TIVIA board


Ursula Koski
Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services


Jussi Aikala

Niko Candelin
Chief Research Officer, Netox

Joona Haavisto
Senior Software Developer & People Person, Gofore

Jarkko Laine
tietoturva-asiantuntija, Plain E

Michael Lindholm
asiakkuuspäällikkö, Turku Science Park

Minna Lounatvuori
yhteyspäällikkö, Seinäjoen kaupunki

Timo Piiparinen
sovellusasiantuntija, Jyväskylän kaupunki


Eevamaija Virtanen
Senior Data Engineer, Knowit