ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer


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ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer

The ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer Certificate Course is a three-day course developing the skills of a test automation engineer (TAE) in designing, developing, and maintaining test automation solutions. The course prepares you to take ISTQB Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer Certificate exam.

An Advanced Level Test Automation Engineer can:

  • Contribute to the development of a plan to integrate automated testing within the testing process.
  • Evaluate tools and technology for automation best fit to each project and organization.
  • Create an approach and methodology for building a test automation architecture (TAA).
  • Design and develop (new or modified) test automation solutions that meet the business needs.
  • Enable the transition of testing from a manual to an automated approach.
  • Create automated test reporting and metrics collection.
  • Manage and optimize testing assets to facilitate maintainability and address evolving (test) systems.

Target group

This 3-day course is appropriate for professionals in roles such as testers, test analysts, test engineers, test consultants, test managers, software developers, and anyone wishing to gain the ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer certificate. This course may also be appropriate for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of software test automation, such as project managers, quality managers, software development managers, business analysts, IT directors, and management consultants.

The certification is aimed at professionals who are working within a tool supported software testing environment. It is also for professionals who are planning to start working within a tool supported software testing environment in the future, or are working within companies that plan to do so.


Provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to guide a test automation project. The course focuses on the concepts, methods, tools, and processes for automating dynamic functional tests and the relationship of those tests to test management, configuration management, defect management, software development processes and quality assurance.

Methods described are generally applicable across variety of software lifecycle approaches (e.g., agile, sequential, incremental, iterative), types of software systems (e.g., embedded, distributed, mobile) and test types (functional and non-functional testing).


To take the ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst Certificate candidates must hold the ISEB ISTQB Foundation certificate. If you do not plan to take the certificate, you can participate on the training even without previous certificates as long as you have at least the Foundation level knowledge on testing.

Course content

This course addresses the official ISTQB Advanced Level Syllabus - Test Automation Engineer.

The course includes exercises and practice exams to highlight key aspects of the syllabus and to help participants understand and practice the concepts and methods presented.

Int­ro­duc­tion and Ob­jec­ti­ves for Test Au­to­ma­tion

  • Purpose of Test Automation
  • Success Factors in Test Automation

Pre­pa­ring for Test Au­to­ma­tion

  • SUT Factors Influencing Test Automation
  • Tool Evaluation and Selection
  • Design for Testability and Automation

The Ge­ne­ric Test Au­to­ma­tion Arc­hi­tec­tu­re

  • Introduction to gTAA
  • TAA Design
  • TAS Development

Deplo­y­ment Risks and Con­tin­gencies

  • Selection of Test Automation Approach and Planning of Deployment/Rollout
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies
  • Test Automation Maintenance

Test Au­to­ma­tion Re­por­ting and Met­rics

  • election of TAS Metric
  • Implementation of Measurement
  • Logging of the TAS and the SUT
  • Test Automation Reporting

Tran­si­tio­ning Ma­nual Tes­ting to an Au­to­ma­ted En­vi­ron­ment

  • Criteria for Automation
  • Identify Steps Needed to Implement Automation within Regression Testing
  • Factors to Consider when Implementing Automation within New Feature Testing
  • Factors to Consider when Implementing Automation of Confirmation Testing

Ve­ri­fying the TAS

  • Verifying Automated Test Environment Components
  • Verifying the Automated Test Suite

Con­ti­nuo­us Im­pro­ve­ment

  • Options for Improving Test Automation
  • Planning the Implementation of Test Automation Improvement

ISTQB Test Automation Engineer Certificate Examination

  • This course provides the knowledge and skills to take the 90 minutes multiple choice ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer Certificate exam.
  • People possessing an ISTQB Advanced Test Automation Engineer certificate may use the Certified Tester Advanced Level acronym: CTAL-TAE.
  • The (optional) ISTQB certification test is organized around two weeks after the training. The exact time of the test is agreed separately with the participants.
  • Examination costs are not included in the course price. An additional 265 € + vat will be charged for attending the certification examination.

Trai­ning ma­te­rial

This training is run by an officially accredited trainer using an officially accredited training material. The training material and test are in English. The training course is run in English or in Finnish.

This ISTQB accredited training is presented by Knowit.


After the course, you can take the ISTQB certification exam. The multiple choice exam has 40 questions, and in order to pass the exam, you need to score 31 out of 47 possible points. The duration of the exam is one hour; non-native English-speakers are allowed 15 minutes extra time.


Course begins at 9.00 and ends at 16.00 - 16.30. Breakfast is served from 8.15 onwards.


Those who pay with Tieturi's training card will be charged 100 € + VAT for the material.

Certification costs are not included in the course price. An additional 265 € + VAT will be charged for attending the certification examination.

TIVIA member price 1 690 € + VAT is valid for TIVIA-s members. Normal price is 1 990 € + VAT. Certification costs are not included in the course price. VAT will be added to all prices,

Jos et vielä ole TIVIA-yhteisön jäsen, liity nyt ja osallistu koulutukseen jäsenetuhintaan (jäsenmaksut 20–65 €)! Tutustu myös yritysjäsenyyteen!


Mikäli perut koulutuksen alle 14 päivää ennen koulutuksen alkua, perimme osallistumismaksusta 50 %. Jos perut koulutuksen alle 7 päivää ennen koulutuksen alkua, perimme osallistumismaksun täysimääräisenä. Mikäli et saavu koulutukseen, veloitamme koko osallistumismaksun sekä mahdolliset ennakkoon tilatut testit.

Pidätämme oikeuden muutoksiin kansainvälisten koulutuskumppaniemme koulutusten suhteen. Näiden koulutusten osalta olemme sinuun yhteydessä pian ilmoittautumisesi jälkeen.


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Päivämäärä ja aika
maanantai 7. lokakuuta 2024
Alkaa - 9.00 (Europe/Helsinki)
keskiviikko 9. lokakuuta 2024
Päättyy - 16.00 (Europe/Helsinki) Lisää kalenteriin

Helsinki / Verkossa

--Helsinki / Verkossa--
Hae osoite

Tieturi Oy

--Tieturi Oy--