TIVIA ry | Finnish Information Processing Association
Signup to FiSTB Testing Assembly including Tutorial day

The most famous and important event of Finnish testing field FiSTB Testing Assembly will be on 20.-21.9.2016 at Hotel Presidentti, Helsinki. On Tuesday 20th we will have James Lyndsay's tutorial "Insights into Exploratory Testing". The seminar will be on Wednesday 21st with the theme "Positive impact of testing" and the keynote speakers will be James Lyndsay and Riku Rantala!

The most famous and important event of Finnish testing field FiSTB Testing Assembly will be on 20.-21.9.2016 at Hotel Presidentti, Helsinki. On Tuesday 20th we will have James Lyndsay's tutorial "Insights into Exploratory Testing". The seminar will be on Wednesday 21st with the theme "Positive impact of testing" and the keynote speakers will be James Lyndsay and Riku Rantala!

James Lyndsay: Insights into Exploratory Testing

An interactive, hands-on one-day workshop to try out and share a variety of exploratory approaches to software testing. This tutorial will be of greatest use to test analysts and lead testers, but will also be immediately relevant to coders, especially those looking to enhance their skills in test design and problem diagnosis. People with hands-on experience of testing or building software will benefit most from this course.

Ensure your place in this event with almost 300 other professionals. There are only a few places left, also to James Lyndsay´s excellent tutorial “Insights into Exploratory Testing” day!

Read more and register now!




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