TIVIA ry | Finnish Information Processing Association
BBST® Membership Benefit: Upcoming Price Change For Foundations and the Specializations

One of TIVIA's membership benefit providers, BBST®, is adjusting its course prices starting from March 15, 2023. If you are planning on completing a BBST® specialization or individual course, you still have time to register at the discounted price until March 15th, 10:55 am (GTM+2).

The prices change

If you are reading this before March 15, 2023, you can notice that the Foundations course price is lower than the Bug Advocacy or Test Design one. BBST® made an effort to provide it at a discount although the course is as valuable as the others, and although it takes as much time and resources to organize and keep up-to-date. The strategy behind this was to offer an extra incentive for those of you who find it hard to take that first step into the BBST® series.

In today’s economy, BBST® can no longer maintain this discount.

Starting with March 15, 2023, the prices for the Foundations course and the specializations will change as follows:

  • The BBST® Foundations course will have the same price as the other BBST® individual courses, 750 euros + VAT

  • The specializations prices will increase:

    • a 2-course specialization will be 1275 euros + VAT

    • a 3-course specialization will be 1800 euros + VAT

    • and the complete 4-course specialization will be 2400 euros + VAT

BBST® Membership Benefit 

The person members and the personnel of society and partner members will receive a 10% discount on the selected BBST® software testing courses. To secure the discount, please use the discount code and type it when registering to a course.

BBST® Test Design Apr 23 – May 20
BBST® Foundations Jun 11 – Jul 08
BBST® Bug Advocacy Oct 08 – Nov 04

Get the discount code (Log in needed)

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