Current trends in German automotive industry

Webinar | 17 May 2022

TIVIA welcomes everyone to the Current trends in German automotive industry Webinar on 17 May 2022. The webinar will illustrate recent developments in Germany’s automotive and mobility sector with a special focus on the region of Baden-Württemberg – one of the world's leading centres of the automotive industry. We also focus on how Finnish tech companies contribute in the future automotive solutions through the role of ICT.

This webinar is in English, free of charge for participants and requires registration in advance. Presenters of this webinar are: Franz Loogen, Professor Zoltan Nochta and Eija Hämäläinen. Read more about the topics and presenters below.

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Electrification and digitalisation in Baden-Württemberg's automotive sector
- Franz Loogen (President, e-mobil BW - State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg

Towards Data-Driven Value Chains for the Automotive Industry
- Prof. Zoltan Nochta (Enterprise Platforms Research), SAP SE

SMEs co-developing ITS offerings for Automotive Industry, case Business Jyväskylä
- Mika Kataikko, Project Manager for Digital Platforms, Ecosystems & Smart City Solutions, Business Jyväskylä

How ecosystems accelerate cooperation between OEMs and SMEs?
- Eija Hämäläinen, Cluster Manager, Oulu Automotive Cluster


This webinar is free of charge but requires registration in advance

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