The TIVIA community
TIVIA is a non-partisan, nationwide community of ICT experts, the umbrella organization of its member associations. Its members are individuals, companies and other organizations belonging to its member associations, as well as partner members at the federal level. The community is open to all information and communication technology professionals and those interested in the field.
The TIVIA community acts as a platform for the development of its members' skills and networks, and as a social influencer. The main activities of the association and its member associations are tapahtuma-, koulutus-, tiedotus- ja tutkimustoiminta. They provide the membership with up-to-date information on domestic and international developments in the field.
Various events offer good opportunities for mutual interaction, exchange of information and experiences, and creation of connections. The task of the association's research activities is to acquire information on the development of the ICT sector to support and promote the development of the information industry and information society. The TIVIA community has committees and working groups, which are institutions composed of specialists in the field.
The TIVIA community includes nearly 30 regional associations, national thematic associations and other associations. Through its subsidiary TIVIA Infuture Ltd, TIVIA carries out its business activities, including the organisation of training events, books sales and IT contract terms and conditions.
TIVIA is Finland's leading ICT association, providing expertise and networks for a more digital Finland.
TIVIA is Finland's leading ICT association, providing expertise and networks for a more digital Finland.
Regional associations

Etelä-Saimaan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, Lappeenranta
50 years of ATK – since 1972. Echoing from South Karelia! Join the Saimaa Town Association.

Imatran Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys
ITKY ry is a member association of TIVIA, which acts as an association and meeting place for individuals and communities working with ICT in the Imatra area. The association organises, among other things, seminars on topical issues. Members meet each other at spring and autumn meetings, as well as for sports activities.

Kanta-Hämeen Tietotekniikkayhdistys, Hämeenlinna
KANTTI (Kanta-Hämeen Information Technology Association) is an information technology association founded in 1984 in Hämeenlinna. The association has more than 200 members, some of whom work in the IT sector and others who are simply interested in information technology in various forms.

Mikkelin Tietotekniikkayhdistys
Mikkeli Information Technology Association (MITTY) operates in the area of the former Mikkeli Province. The association is an association of individuals, companies and communities working in the field of information technology. Its purpose is not only to be a link between other people in the field, but also to promote the most effective use of information technology in different fields.

Pirkanmaan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, Tampere
Pitky is a meeting place for ICT people in Pirkanmaa. Pitky organises training courses, seminars, excursions and other events for its members. These events are usually free of charge for members. Pitky also has clubs such as PitKyber Security Club and PM Club Tampere.

Satakunnan Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, Pori
A community of people interested in information technology in the Satakunta region.Satky also includes working groups Pori Hacklab and Porixi. In addition to these, there are irregular leisure activities. In Satky's groups you can enjoy both sport and culture in the company of like-minded people.

TIVIA Keski-Suomi, Jyväskylä
TIVIA Central Finland is a community of ICT and digitalisation professionals in Central Finland. We promote networking and expertise among our members in Central Finland and act as an impartial link between people, communities and companies studying, working and otherwise interested in the field.

TIVIA Kymenlaakso, Kouvola
We operate in the economic region of Kymenlaakso as a link between companies, communities and individuals working in and interested in information and communications technology. Our annual activities include participation in the autumn meetings of the Kaakko associations (Itky, Mitty, Esatky), statutory annual meetings, expert visits and sporting events promoting fitness for work.

We promote the development of the IT sector in Lahti. TIVIA Lahti is a network of experts that brings together people interested in the subject and offers opportunities for networking and professional development.

TIVIA Lappi, Rovaniemi
As a member of TIVIA Lappi, you will have the opportunity to meet local ICT people and participate in webinars, company visits and events. Membership also includes a wide range of other benefits!

TIVIA Oulu is a member association of TIVIA Association of Information and Communication Technology Professionals and operates in the North Ostrobothnia region. The association's activities include regional development and cooperation with companies.

TIVIA Pohjanmaa, Seinäjoki & Vaasa & Kokkola
The purpose of TIVIA Ostrobothnia is to be a link to its members, supporting their professional aspirations and promoting the effective use of information technology, taking into account human and economic aspects.

TIVIA Pohjois-Karjala, Joensuu
The aim is to promote the use of information technology, taking into account economic and human aspects, to promote cooperation between those working in the industry, especially in North Karelia, and to support the professional development of its members.

TIVIA Savo, Kuopio
We develop the professional skills and communication between our members. TIVIA Savo organises various training courses, company visits and recreational events. These events are usually free of charge for members.

TIVIA Uusimaa, Helsinki
TIVIA Uusimaa is a networked community of professionals working in ICT and professionals interested in ICT and digitalisation, which actively follows ICT developments and offers its members an excellent framework for networking and updating their professional skills.

Varsinais-Suomen Tietojenkäsittely-yhdistys, Turku
The association organises training and recreational activities for its members. It aims to promote and develop education, research and employment in the field. It seeks to influence the use and development of information technology both locally and nationally.
Thematic associations

Data Management Association Finland
Local member association of DAMA International, which develops concepts and practices in the field. The purpose of the association is to promote and develop the role of data management and information as an important asset in the development of organisations. It also aims to promote networking across business and technology boundaries.

Finnish Software Testing Board
Become a member and experience the largest software testing seminar in Finland, Testing Assembly!
FiSTB is Member Board of ISTQB® and it coordinates ISTQB® activities in Finland. One of the biggest tasks for us is to organize ISTQB® certification exams and accredit training providers. We also organize FiSTB Testing Assembly seminar.

ICT Leaders Finland
A national association of professionals interested in business and IT leadership. ILF is vendor independent. ILF aims to promote good IT governance practices and collaboration between business and IT.

n a changing world, everyone is both a mentor and a learner. Find your network of IT trainers! Our association is for anyone who is interested in new pedagogical approaches and is training or using ICT in their training. Our member meetings cover topical issues and you can attend them at an agreed on-site location or online.

A dedicated association for people interested in digital devices and services. PC-users Association (PC-käyttäjät ry) covers the whole of Finland. Events are usually held in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The association has many membership benefits that can be used throughout the country. Perhaps the most popular membership service is the association's jar called PCUF.

Suomen Internet-yhdistys
Information about the Internet and its use. Our activities include organising small-scale seminars and training events for our members and giving opinions on legislative projects in the industry. We are also one of the main organisers of the Finnish Internet Forum, the largest annual event on internet governance in Finland.

Systeemityöyhdistys SYTYKE
Igniting company for information systems professionals. A thematic association where talk meets action. Sytyke brings together information systems professionals. We publish Sytyke magazine and organise annual seminars and theme nights on topical issues. We support knowledge communities whose members share in-depth knowledge and trends in their respective fields.

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen Seura
The Society for Computer Science was founded in 1982 to act as a link between researchers in computer science and those interested in the results of research in the field, and to promote research in computer science, the application of research results and the dissemination of research.

Tietoturva ry
Finland's largest network of information security professionals for experts, students and other interested parties. The association's main objective is to promote cooperation in the field of information security, to act as a link between its members and to promote good security practices in all areas of information security. It also supports the professional development of its members.
Student unions

Asteriski, Turun yliopisto
Asteriski ry is an association of students of computer science at the University of Turku, founded in 1972. Our activities are based on caring for our members, promoting their studies and offering a wide range of events.

Blanko, Oulun yliopisto
Blanko ry is a guild of students of computer science at the University of Oulu, founded in 1973. The purpose of the association is to act as an interest group and a link between students of computer science both at the University of Oulu and nationally, and thus to support the common aspirations of students in the field.

TiTOL, Tietotekniikan opiskelijoiden liitto
The purpose of the Association is to improve cooperation between student associations and their members, to promote the common interests of its members in their studies, and to preserve and develop the traditions of students in the field.
International activities
International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is an international information technology community founded in 1960 after the first International World Computer Congress.
IFIP is an independent, non-profit umbrella organisation of national information processing associations. IFIP's organisation consists of 13 Technical Committees (TCs), which are divided into more than 100 Working Groups (WGs).
The Technical Committees cover the continuum from the theoretical foundations of information technology to the societal implications of information technology, including information technology issues in developing countries. Finland is represented in all TCs except TC10.
The work of the Technical Committees and WGs is voluntary. Experts from different countries, both from academia and industry, meet and define the content of the work to be done. This work is translated into practice through international publications and conferences.
The Finnish Foundation for Information Technology Research funds the participation of Finnish researchers in the activities of the organisation.
The Council of European Professional Informatics Societies is an organisation of European informatics societies. CEPIS' best-known activities include the European Computer Driving Licence ECDL and the EUCIP certification programme for IT professionals.
Tietotekniikan tutkimussäätiö
The purpose of the Information Technology Research Foundation is to promote and support educational and advisory activities in the field of information technology in Finland, with the aim of making the most efficient use of information technology, taking into account economic and human considerations. The Information Technology Research Foundation funds projects and awards research grants.
The Foundation awards an annual Doctoral Dissertation Prize and supports the participation of Finnish researchers in international cooperation.