Role of ICT for future Automotive Solutions


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Role of ICT for future Automotive Solutions

Role of ICT for future automotive solutions and how Finnish high tech companies contribute in it

The webinar will illustrate recent developments in Germany’s automotive and mobility sector with a special focus on the region of Baden-Württemberg – one of the world's leading centres of the automotive industry. It will illustrate current challenges and opportunities as well as potential fields of cooperation with technology developers and suppliers.

This webinar is in English, free of charge for participants and requires registration in advance. There will be a Q&A session where participants can ask questions from the presenters.

Presenters of this webinar are: Franz Loogen, Professor Zoltan Nochta, Mika Kataikko and Eija Hämäläinen. Read more about the topics and presenters below.

Register now for free - click the navy blue ILMOITTAUDU Button and fill out the form.


Digitalisation and artificial intelligence play decisive roles in future mobility concepts. They will be the mainstays of the fundamental transformation of our mobility system. They are both an opportunity and a challenge to economy and society. So-called enabling technologies such as connectivity, security, sensory systems, big-data analytics, platforms, edge and cloud computing are blazing the trail for digital transformation. These technologies will change mobility supply, as well as demand, by shaping customer preferences, consumer and user behaviour, and working and living conditions.

Due to electrification and digitalisation, the vehicle and mobility industries are currently experiencing the most amount of pressure to change than they have felt in decades. A multitude of new technologies must be explored and industrialised anew.


Automated. Connected. Electrified. Electrification and digitalisation in Baden-Württemberg's automotive sector.
- Franz Loogen, President, e-mobil BW - State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Baden-Württemberg

Towards Data-Driven Value Chains for the Automotive Industry
- Prof. Zoltan Nochta, Chief Development Expert, SAP Product Engineering

SMEs co-developing ITS offerings for Automotive Industry, case Business Jyväskylä
- Mika Kataikko, Project Manager for Digital Platforms, Ecosystems & Smart City Solutions, Business Jyväskylä

How ecosystems accelerate cooperation between OEMs and SMEs?
- Eija Hämäläinen, Cluster Manager, Oulu Automotive Cluster

Webinar Info

Role of ICT for future automotive solutions and how Finnish high tech companies contribute in it

  • Tuesday 17 May 2022

  • 12:30–13:45 local time (GMT +02:00)

  • This webinar is free of charge but requires registration in advance

  • Register now for free - click the navy blue ILMOITTAUDU Button and fill out the form


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Date & Time
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
12:30 PM 1:45 PM (Europe/Helsinki) Add to Calendar



